Originally delivered on 1/15/2025 8:30 am

SUBJECT: WWMS Bulldog Bark: January 2025

January 2025

Bulldog families,

Welcome back! All FAST and end-of-semester testing will wrap up by Thursday, 1/16 and the end of quarter 2/semester 1 is this Thursday as well. 

Our arrival time will change from 9:30 am to 9:35 am beginning Friday, 1/17. Our dismissal time will remain the same. 

Please remember that it is unlawful and dangerous to drop off or pick up your child on the side of the road or anywhere on the street that is marked 'No Parking'. Please use the car line - we have made improvements so it is a much quicker process. 

Thank you and continue reading for all the information you need for the month of January.

Keith Fantauzzo

Principal, Wilson Middle School


Please note: Starting Friday, January 17, 2025, school will begin at 9:30 am (currently 9:35 am). Dismissal will remain at 4:30 pm. 

1/13-1/16Semester Exams
1/20MLK Jr. Holiday/Non-Student Day
1/21-1/24Soccer Tryouts
1/258th Grade Yearbook Dedication Orders Due - see details below
2/14State Fair Day/Non-Student Day
2/21Foundation Bulldog Bash
2/248th Grade Panoramic and Spring Pictures

Please visit our online calendar to view and make a note of all important dates this month and next, including new tutoring opportunities, athletic events, Spirit Nights, and much more! 

Please also view the revised school calendar which addresses hurricane makeup days here.


All Paperwork must be completed ONLINE and Approved by Mrs. Klemczak before you can participate in tryouts.



1/21 Tuesday 8:00-9:15 A.M. (All 3 grade levels) 

1/23 Thursday 8:00-9:15 A.M. (All 3 grade levels) 


1/22 Wednesday 8:00-9:15 A.M. (All 3 grade levels) 

1/24 Friday 8:00-9:15 A.M. (All 3 grade levels) 

*Equipment: be prepared dressed for either outside on the back field or in the gym, pair of sneakers.* 

*Students should attend both days*


Join the 8th Grade Celebration Committee!

Help make this year’s 8th Grade Celebration unforgettable! We’re seeking volunteers to help plan and organize this special event. If interested please reach out to Staci Fraser at stacif@me.com.


Gasparilla parking is available at Wilson for both the kid's and adult parades later this month. This is a major fundraiser for the school so if you can spread the word it would be greatly appreciated.

Woodrow Wilson Foundation is thrilled to invite you to SAIL-EBRATE: A Night of Smooth Sailing and Fundraising, a wonderful evening dedicated to celebrating our community and supporting our school.

Date: Friday, February 21

Time: 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Location: Davis Islands Garden Club, 81 Columbia Drive, Tampa, FL 33606

We are still looking for family sponsors to help make this event a success. 


Sponsorships are a great way to show your support while ensuring we can continue funding meaningful projects for our school.

This year, we are excited to share that our fundraising efforts helped bring to life a much-needed improvement for our campus: the new bike rack awning installed over winter break! Your support made this possible, and we hope to continue building on this momentum.

Together, we can create an amazing evening and continue to make a difference for our school community.

Thank you for your continued support, and we can’t wait to SAIL-EBRATE with you!


Parents, this is your final chance to purchase 8th grade yearbook dedications. Order before January 25th using yearbookordercenter.com | order number 1482. See details including a 10% discount code!

Additionally, we are in need of baby photos for a spread in the yearbook. Upload ASAP to hjeshare.com using school code wilsonbulldogs to be featured! 

Please email andrea.nadicksbernd@hcps.netwith any questions.

  • For the safety of our students, all visitors are required to show photo ID and sign in at our attendance office. A Visitor Pass will be issued. Parents are required to make an appointment in advance to speak/conference with any staff member.
  • Photo ID Required: If it becomes necessary to sign your child out of school prior to dismissal, an adult must come to the attendance office prior to 4:00 p.m. PHOTO I.D. IS REQUIRED FOR ALL ADULTS SIGNING A CHILD OUT OF SCHOOL. Only adults listed on the student emergency card will be permitted to sign a student out of school. Please do not ask permission for someone to sign your child out early unless they are on the emergency card. Please also do not ask to add someone to your student's emergency card the day of the need for the sign-out. The district is only allowing two emergency contacts so if you want to add someone, someone will need to come off.
  • No outside food or drinks are allowed on campus except for lunches and water. This includes morning coffee and energy drinks.
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